Saturday, August 25, 2012

Yellow Submarine at Bagdad

One of my absolute favorite things to do in Portland is watch a movie at the Bagdad Theater.  Cheap tickets,  awesome atmosphere, adult beverages, good pizza, and great bus system to take me home - doesn't get much better than that.

When I saw ads for an all ages show of Yellow Submarine on the big screen, I decided the boys must go!  I think everyone should have a funky Yellow Sub story to tell; I watched it for the first time in school with my hippie 6th grade teacher, Mr Weed (I shit you not).

I forgot my camera and the pictures from my iPhone didn't turn out, so here's some pictures from various sources:

Exterior (Wikipedia)
Foyer (Bad Blogger
Glass of microbrew in the theater (Portland Ground)
We only made it through about an hour of the movie before the boys had enough.  Oh well, hopefully we can try another movie again soon.

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